
Health insurance companies all look the same, and along with oil and tobacco companies, rank at the bottom of the pile in trustworthiness. While healthcare plans treat people as just a number, Cigna is different: they see their members as distinct individuals. The challenge? Develop a strategic platform that could build brand share and differentiate itself from a category of “sick ads,”with all the negative aspects in a way that would rally employees & magnify Cigna’s spend.

The “GO YOU” campaign represents a commitment from Cigna to help us all embrace, nurture, and protect what makes us all one-of-a-kind. Nothing is healthier than being your true self. We created a fully integrated campaign was that includes TV, print, online, social, mobile, Facebook apps, and sponsorships across platforms such as Pandora,, and, with all elements working together to inspire and motivate consumers. The digital anchor to the GO YOU campaign is a unique content platform idea on Facebook. It is a community that inspires and unites people through various forms of content, and invites them to share their philosophy on what individuality means to them.


After the first quarter of the campaign launch, Cigna was the number- one brand in the category for brand buzz and recos. Facebook Likes 512k+ to date:with higher engagement than any other category player. JPMorgan Chase enrolment event (competing withUnited): GO YOU materials helped them to exceed their goal by 100% (signed 90k versus 45k new members). In short, the GO YOU campaign introduced the customer-centric business offering in a way that both enabled consumers and engaged employees to become members in delivering a personalized health experience.
